Recycling and Collection Facilities 

Wilson County
Always check websites for current hours of operation. Be prepared to show proof of residency. Fees may be applicable.

Wilson County Landfill –
Floresville Recycling, Bulk Trash Drop-Off, City Clean-Ups, Brush Pick-Up (a great webpage!) –
Commissioners Court – See for up-to-date information.

La Vernia
Contact the City of La Vernia, or call 830-779-4541. Fall and Spring Clean-Up events are sponsored by the City of La Vernia. 
St. Ann Catholic Church offers can recycling/collection periodically., 830-779-3131.
Contact the City of Stockdale, 700 W. Main,  830-996-3128, for information and details about their Spring and Fall Clean-Up events, access to locked roll-off sites, quarterly brush pick-up events. Local organizations offer recyclable can collections periodically
Contact the City of Poth, or call 830-484-2111

Medical Disposal

MedDropSA is a program of the San Antonio Water System,

Hazardous Waste Collectio
 events are held at various locations in the county during the year. Please watch our website and Facebook page and our local newspapers for details.

How to report Wild hogs

If you see wild pigs or signs of their damage, please take 5 minutes to let us know through this short form: Your reports will be used to support the outreach efforts and help locate areas of high activity to guide both management and educational efforts across the state.

Clean-Up & Litter Pick-Up Projects

How to organize a clean-up or litter pick-up project:
1.  Email us! We can help with:
— publicity to find more volunteers
— where to find grabbers, bags, safety vests, gloves
2.  Notify your County Commissioner to help you with important safety needs and to schedule the pickup of your collected bags of litter.
3.  Please remember to:
— make a list of all volunteers
— count the number of bags of litter you pick up
— take photos and
— share this info with us!
We use the information when we apply for grants and awards for beautification efforts throughout our County!

Illegal Dumping and Sign Posting
What to do about illegal dumping: Note as much information as you can safely obtain, such as car color, make, model, license number, a description of the person(s) dumping, and include photos. Provide the information to Wilson County Attorney, Tom Caldwell at 830-393-7305.
What to do about illegal sign posting:  If you catch someone in the act of posting a sign illegally,  note as much information as you can safely obtain, such as car color, make, model, license number and a description of the person(s) posting. A photo of the sign or at least details of what is advertised would be helpful but not required. (Note: It is perfectly legal for citizens to remove illegally posted signs, provided you do not trespass on private property.)
Provide the information to Wilson County Attorney, Tom Caldwell at 830-393-7305.

Additional Helpful links:
Keep La Vernia Beautiful
Keep Texas Beautiful website  

Don’t Mess With Texas Report-A-Litterer program
Don’t Mess With Texas website